Does it cost anything to join the PTCO?
No. There is no cost to join the PTCO board.
Do PTCO members need to attend every event?
No. PTCO members are encouraged to attend as many events as possible but it's understandable if you are unable to attend each event.
Can I volunteer without being on the board?
Yes! We are always in need of volunteers. Some example duties are making copies, assisting with events and fundraisers, helping with the setup and tear down of events, shopping for products (you would be reimbursed by the treasurer) and more.
Please note: In order to volunteer, you will need to have a background check done by the school for the current school year at least 2 weeks prior to volunteering. This must be completed once every year.
How do I apply for a position on the board?
If you would like to apply for a position on the board, please email the PTCO at willowwoodsptco@gmail.com with your contact information as well as what position you are interested in.
When schools, families, and community groups work together to support learning, children tend to do better in school, stay in school longer, and like school more. - Anne Henderson & Karen Mapp
Our Mission
The Willow Woods School Community will strive, as a team, to provide a caring, safe and positive environment where children can develop strategies enabling them to become lifelong learners and responsible, contributing citizens for the 21st century.